Kazhukan Mods

dragon age exodus enjoyer, grey warden fanboy, world's messiest modder

(it's KAA-lu-gun)

theme ©repth


WIPs: Dialogue Edits

July 5, 2023

Quentin: I loved her so much I couldn't let her go.

Quentin: Not even after the templars killed her.

Restoring cut Quentin lines that actually gave him a backstory.

Orwald: What... what do you want? I just did what he said. It was more coin than I'd ever seen. / (Highlighted text:) Hawke: Aveline?

Bartrand: She will not feed it, not like I did. / (Highlighted text:) Hawke: Anders? Can you do something?

A couple of delayed "call on companion" options.

Fenris: Slaves are not permitted to read. I've never learned. / (Highlighted text:) Hawke: That's what friends are for.

Anders: The templars learned of my plans to free him. Help me bring him safely past them, and you shall have your maps. / (Highlighted text:) Hawke: I protect all mages.

A platonic and romantic option to help Fenris with his studies, and warrior/rogue Hawke now can offer to help Karl for free too.

Cullen: Someone killed a dozen of our best men... in the chantry itself! Are the people here animals?

Anders: Ahem..

Bioware why would you leave this in the files

Planned BGM for "Dragon Age Exodus Rescored"

July 5, 2023

pipe dreams Current candidates for replacement audio. These are based on absolutely nothing and subject to change at any time.

Last updated: July 5, 2023


Day: "Arson - Redemption (Part 1)" - Andy Hale (L.A. Noire)

Night: "No Stone Unturned" pt 1 - Martin O'Donnel, Michael Salvatori (Halo 3: ODST)

Combat: "Melancholia Waltz (Cover)" - John Robert Matz, Ryan Ike, Francisco Cerda (Gunpoint)

Viscount's Keep:

Chantry: "Cesare Borgia" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)


Day: "Pyrite Town" - Tsukasa Tawada (Pokemon Colosseum)

Night: "Asphalt and Ablution" pt 1 - Martin O'Donnel, Michael Salvatori (Halo 3: ODST)

Combat: "Defenestraight to My Heart" - John Robert Matz, Ryan Ike, Francisco Cerda (Gunpoint)

Hanged Man (Day):

Hanged Man (Night): "" -

Hanged Man (Combat): "" -


Day: "Rainy streets" - Danshin (Backbone)

Night: "Asphalt and Ablution" pt 3 - Martin O'Donnel, Michael Salvatori (Halo 3: ODST)

Combat: "Neon Night" pt 3 - Martin O'Donnel, Michael Salvatori (Halo 3: ODST)

Passage: "Old-Time Tech" - Danshin (Tails: The Backbone Preludes)


Overworld: "Under the Rotting Pizza" - Nobuo Uematsu (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE) / "Housing Supply" - Danshin (Backbone)

Combat: "Wetlands Combat" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed II)


Overworld: "Roman Underworld" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)

Combat: "Fight of the Assassins" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)

Templar Hall: "Borgia - The Rulers of Rome" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)


Overworld: "Inviting Truth" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Combat: "Chaos - Ablaze" - Rei Kondoh (Fire Emblem Awakening)



Combat: "Disquieting Steps" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Caves: "Undercurrents" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)



Combat: "The Borders of Justice" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)




Primal Thaig: "Lament" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)


Vs Rock Wraith: "The Fell God's Tempest" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

The Fade (Overworld): "The Slumbering Labyrinth" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

The Fade (Combat): "Malediction" - Takafumi Wada (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Dead-End Foundry: "Trail of Blood" - Nobuo Uematsu (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE)

Qunari Crisis (Overworld): "The Pinnacle of False Belief" - Hiroki Morishita (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Qunari Crisis (Combat): "God-Shattering Star (Thunder)" - Hiroki Morishita (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Vs Arishok: "Lord of a Dead Empire" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Gallows Prison: "Preparations - Reunion" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Mage Crisis (Overworld): "Undercity Suns" - Shotaro Shima (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE)

Mage Crisis (Combat): "Fires of Resistance" - Shotaro Shima (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE)

Vs Meredith: "End Fight" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed II)


Darkspawn: "The Mad God's Blessings" - Yoshito Sekigawa (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)

Undead: "Calamity's Advent" - Yasuhisa Baba (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)


Templars: "Battle In Spain" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood)

Mages: "A Despair-Filled Farewell" - Kou Otani (Shadow of the Colossus)

Qunari: "Battle! Chairman Rose" - Minako Adachi (Pokemon Sword/Shield)


Vimmark Wastes (Combat): "The Makers Fight Back" - Jesper Kyd (Darksiders II)

Carta Hideout: "Abyssal Badlands" - Keisuke Ito (Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon)

Sashamiri's Floor: "Cappadocia" - Jesper Kyd (Assassin's Creed Revelations)

Corypheus: "Those Chosen By The Planet" - Nobuo Uematsu (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE)

Vs Corypheus: "J-E-N-O-V-A - Quickening" - Nobuo Uematsu, Tadayoshi Makino (FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE)

"The Five-Floor Goodbye" - John Robert Matz, Ryan Ike, Francisco Cerda (Gunpoint)

Chateau Haine (Infiltration):

Vs Duke Prosper: "The Theme of Alexia II" - Shusaku Uchiyama, Takeshi Miura (Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles)

Header Here


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In velit nisl, eleifend placerat odio eu, finibus fermentum dui. Pellentesque pretium vestibulum scelerisque. Donec ac nulla iaculis, volutpat dolor sit amet, tristique urna. Aliquam dolor diam, elementum at feugiat a, fermentum non massa. Donec a porta lacus, non ultricies velit. Suspendisse commodo orci nec nunc interdum, non bibendum orci posuere. Cras nunc eros, pharetra sed bibendum a, dignissim id felis. Nulla vehicula neque vulputate interdum pellentesque. Etiam scelerisque eros condimentum turpis varius, ac posuere ligula auctor. Nunc feugiat tempus leo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque porttitor dui quis purus pharetra lacinia. Nunc at diam porttitor, dictum nisi at, pellentesque turpis. Vestibulum gravida pharetra ligula non accumsan. Integer eu nulla tellus.
